WP2 A8 Test training - Croatia

Preparatory Course for ETW Certification (May–July 2024)

From May 13th to 17th, 2024, the Faculty of Wood Technology and Forestry in Zagreb hosted the first block of a preparatory course for the ETW (European Tree Worker) certification. This high-level certification, recognized across Europe, aims to equip arborists with the skills and knowledge required for safe and sustainable urban tree care. The course covered essential topics like tree biology, species identification, soil basics, planting techniques, pruning, and safety protocols, with a mix of theoretical lessons and practical workshops.
Two additional training blocks were held in June, focusing on advanced topics, including canopy stabilization, environmental protection, rigging, and safe chainsaw operation. Participants engaged in hands-on sessions at the PMF Botanical Garden and practical workshops, reinforcing essential arboriculture skills. A bonus training day in Zadar showcased safe climbing techniques and rescue methods.
The certification exam, held on July 11th and 12th, included both written and practical components, challenging candidates with simulations and practical assessments. By the end, 7 out of 10 candidates successfully earned certification—a notably high pass rate. The course’s success reflects growing interest in arboriculture in Croatia, promising significant contributions to sustainable urban forestry practices across the country.